Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of May 10, 2021 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

How to Get More Time to Use an Airline Credit

Don't Fall for These 25 Retail Pricing and Merchandising Tricks


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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Here We Downsize (and UP-size) Again - Spring 2021

mouse print Once again we look at grocery products that are shrinking in size thus facilitating a hidden price increase. And for this round, we spotlight two products that were actually UP-sized! That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

New System Will Automatically Discount Soon-to-Expire Groceries

To help reduce food waste, and keep grocery stores from having to throw out expired food, a new software system from Wasteless will automatically reduce the price of perishable groceries that are soon to reach their pull dates. The system uses artificial intelligence and electronic shelf labels to identify the bargains. So pick the soon-to-expire one at a discounted price, or a fresh one at the regular price.


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Consumer Future

A Robot Could Soon Deliver Your Orders

delivery robots

Not too far in the future your Internet order could be delivered by a robot. In this Rossen Reports story, see how pizza, Starbucks coffee, or a package from UPS could be delivered by flying, driving, rolling, or walking robots.

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Bargain of the Week

Apply for the Post Cereals Class Action Settlement

If you bought these Post breakfast cereals between 2012 and 2020 (Honey Bunches of Oats, Great Grains, Raisin Bran, Bran Flakes, Honey Bunches of Oats Granola, Selects, Honeycomb, Shredded Wheat, Alpha-Bits, Waffle Crisp, and Golden Crisp cereals), you may qualify for a payment from a class action settlement. Post's labels suggested these were healthy, but they had significant amounts of added sugar. Fill out the claim form online, which must be filed by May 19.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Cars with Highest/Lowest Annual Maintenance Costs

Consumer Reports looked at 10-year-old cars and calculated the costs of maintenance. Here is a list of those cars with highest costs and the lowest costs.

More from Consumer Reports
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