Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of March 16, 2020 (see last week)   

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Mouse Print* -- Is it a News Story or an Advertisement?

mouse print Even on reputable news sites, it is becoming harder to distinguish bona fide news stories from articles specifically written to entice you to buy the product or service discussed. This newer form of marketing called "commerce content" turns publishers into subtle peddlers so they can earn commissions. Disclosure to readers is generally poor. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Curb the Coronavirus

Breaking habits like shaking hands and touching your face are simple ways to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. This funny video drives home the point how difficult these reflex movements are to change.

Airlines and Hotels Waive Some Change and Cancellation Fees

airplane Most airlines have instituted changes to their cancellation policies. Here is a continually updated list of airline policies that will let you change your reservation without penalty. List of hotels offering cancellation fee waivers.



Interest Rates Falling Fast on Savings

Interest rates fall
MrConsumer's bank has drastically cut interest rates on its high-yield savings account over the past month. You can find a rate comparison of other banks here.

Why Are People Hoarding Toilet Paper?

toilet paper Because of the coronavirus, shoppers are clearing shelves of hand sanitizers and antiseptic wipes. That is not surprising. But why are they also buying toilet paper in droves? It makes no sense. This story tries to offer several explanations.

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Bargain of the Week

Free Shipping with No Minimum Purchase from

Walgreens just announced that they are offering free shipping with no minimum purchase at for the time being. They, like CVS, are also offering free delivery of prescriptions.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

What to Do If You Think You Have Coronavirus Symptoms

Consumer Reports helps you distinguish between a cold, flu, and COVID-19. It also suggests when you should seek testing and treatment. See also: .

More from Consumer Reports
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