Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of March 15, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Bagelgate: Are Ray's NY Bagels Really Boiled?

mouse print A real New York bagel is boiled first in NY tap water and then baked. And that is what Ray's New York Bagels has advertised since about 2000 to set itself apart from those other bread-like rounds in your grocer's freezer section. MrConsumer, a native New Yorker, finally got to try them and became suspicious. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Don't Fall for "Dark Patterns" on Websites and Apps

scam "Dark Patterns" is the new-fangled name for sneaky practices you experience online. You may see a countdown clock making you think an item's price is about to expire. Or an alert that says "just three rooms left" on a hotel booking website. Many times these are just tricks to make you hit the buy button. More formally, they might be considered unfair or deceptive acts or practices under state consumer law. Here are the various types of dark patterns you might encounter online along with visual examples.


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17 Oddball Things You Didn't Know You Could Sell for Extra Money

money Believe it or not, some people (probably with a few screws loose) will pay good money for your old dentures! Or how about old maps that have been in your car for decades? See some of the other stuff around the house that has little value to you, but which could bring you a few extra bucks.

Consumer Humor

How Employees Get Back at Rude Customers

Occasionally when customers are nasty to service providers, those employees sometimes return the favor. See how some of them surreptitiously strike back.

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Bargain of the Week

Buy a Home in Italy for Only $1.20

No, that's not a typo. A small town in Italy, Laurenzana, is making an rresistible offer. Buy an old house in their town, promise to renovate it, and it's yours for just one euro -- about $1.20! Unlike other towns doing these bargain basement sales, no deposit for renovations is required.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Vacuum Cleaners

Consumer Reports evaluates dozens of vacuums each year. Here is their list of the best vacuum in each category/type.

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