TWITTER Week of March 8, 2021 (see last week)
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Consumer World Original
Mouse Print* -- Fidelity Cuts Credit Card Benefits
The email looked like good news for people with Fidelity Investments credit cards. A new protection benefit was being added for cardholders -- a stripped-down version of NortonLifeLock. Less emphasized and at the bottom of the notice was the bad news.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
Tech Tips for Snaring a Vaccine Appointment
Many people encounter a frustrating experience when trying to find and schedule a COVID-19 shot. Here are some geeky tips and websites [alternate link] that will help you find and get a vaccine appointment. For folks in Massachusetts, here are state-specific tips.
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Home Insurers Ranked by Homeowners Who Have Made Claims
We all pay insurance premiums faithfully and hope that one day should we make a claim, the insurance company will pay it without a hassle. J.D. Power just surveyed over 6000 homeowners who made property loss claims in the last nine months. They were asked to evaluate the settlement and claim process, speed of settlement, the estimation process, etc. MetLife came out on top. See how the others were ranked.
Consumer Humor
Curb Your Enthusiasm Spoof: If Larry David Took a 75+ Senior for His Shot
In Massachusetts, anyone who volunteers to take a senior 75+ for a shot can get one too. Two Boston Globe writers imagined a scene from HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm if chronic kvetch Larry David attempted that good deed for a senior. [No video, text only]
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Bargain of the Week
Pi Day Pizza Deals
This coming Sunday, March 14 is Pi Day. And to celebrate that special mathematical number, some restaurants, particularly pizza joints are offering discounts. Blaze Pizza is offering any of their 11-inch pies for only $3.14. This year, the offer is good through April 12 in their app.
Tello Cell Service (via T-Mobile) - Half Price - Low as $2.50/month
If you sign up for a new line of service at Tello (now a reseller of T-Mobile cell service), you can get unlimited minutes and texts and 1 gig of high-speed data for half price -- only $5 a month for the first three months. You can customize your own plan with various amounts of minutes and data. (Texts are free.) And if you sign up through this link, you will receive a $10 credit toward your bill. (Please use the referral code p3f3sr3j if you don't sign up with the previous link. You cannot get your free $10 credit without it. ) Offer ends March 15.
See also: Hot Deals
Consumer Reports
Review of Top-of-the-Line Samsung Cellphones
The Samsung Galaxy S21 line of phones has just been evaluated by Consumer Reports. Here is their review.
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