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TWITTER    Week of June 14, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Lawyers Drop Claims of "No Tuna" in Subway's Tuna Sandwiches

mouse print Last January, two consumers sued Subway alleging that there was no tuna in the chain's tuna sandwiches. Now, five months later, and after tons of negative publicity worldwide for Subway, the lawyers bringing the suit are backing off that broad claim. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

30 Tricks Sellers Use to Make You Pay Too Much

sale Companies use an arsenal of marketing tricks to convince customers they're scoring bargains, often duping them into spending more or paying right away without checking the competition. While many of these tactics have been used for centuries, the methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Consumers' Checkbook highlights 30 sneaky pricing and selling strategies to guard against.


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Best/Worst States for Senior Healthcare

hospital A new analysis of drug prices, doctors per capita, life expectancy, and the cost and access to care suggests that some states are better than others for seniors seeking heathcare. Here is a list ranking states on healthcare for seniors.

Consumer Alert

Save on Groceries With These Apps

grocery saving apps

Have you heard of "Basket" -- an app for your smartphone that compares the price of your shopping list at various stores in your area? And then there's Flipp for sales and coupons, and Ibotta for cash back. See how they work in this video demonstration.

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Bargain of the Week

Lightweight Summer Comforters - $19.99 -- MONDAY ONLY

Monday, June 14 ONLY: Macy's has lightweight summer poly-filled comforters in a microfiber shell for $19.99. It is the same price for all sizes including king, and they come in a variety of colors. Shipping to the store is free. Coupons do not apply. Do NOT expect this to be a $130 comforter, but purchasers rate it highly, nonetheless.

Tide Detergent - 92 oz. - $8.94 w/coupon

Through Saturday, the 92 oz. size of Tide liquid (various varieties) is $8.94 at CVS after you clip the $3 off online coupon and buy the product in-store. It is unclear if the $3 off coupon can be applied to multiple bottles. At Walgreens, a limited number of varieties of Tide (not regular) can be purchased for $8.94 after you clip the $3 manufacturer's coupon online. Just enter Tide in the search field. Their $2 coupon can save that amount off a second bottle.

Ocean Spray Dried Cranberries - 3-lbs - $6.68

Here's a warehouse club sale price on a large bag of Ocean Spray Dried Cranberries... just $6.68 at Amazon. Presumably shipping is free for Prime members. Expiration unknown. ++

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Major Report: How the Credit Reporting System Fails Consumers and What to Do About It

In this special report, Consumer Reports says that one in three consumers who check their credit report find at least one error. The good news was that only 11% of errors were related to their accounts. Here's the full report.

More from Consumer Reports
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