Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of February 22, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Credit Card Updater Services May Result in Unexpected Charges

mouse print Have you ever deliberatedly used a credit card that was close to expiration to prevent a company like a health club from continuing to charge you after that date? Thanks to a "feature" adopted by most card issuers, merchants can still charge your card after it expires contrary to your wishes. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Most Reliable Car Brands and Models

new car JD Power is out with its latest auto dependability study based on questioning over 33,000 owners of 2018 vehicles after three years of use. No surprise, Lexus took the top spot for reliability. Some surprises crop up in the list, however. Kia beat Toyota by one point, and Honda is way below average on the the list. The top three models in a few segments are named also. Tesla refused to allow surveying of car owners in 15 states.


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Password Managers Reviewed, Free and Paid

passwords Since most humans cannot remember all their passwords, a market sprung up for password managers. These software programs were recently reviewed by PC World. Here are reviews of paid versions (scroll to the bottom for individual reviews) and reviews for free ones. MrConsumer actually paid for Sticky Password.

Consumer Humor

Liberty Mutual's New Ad is for the Birds

MrConsumer burst out laughing when he saw this new Liberty Mutual commercial last week. Enjoy.

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Bargain of the Week

It's Winter Clearance Time

The best time to buy winter clothing is during winter clearance in February. Here are tips to navigate various stores' winter clearance sales.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

New Car Destination Fees Often Hidden, and Rising

One of the nasty fees tacked on after you negotiate the price of your new car is the non-negotiable destination fee. That fee can now add an average of $1200+ to your invoice. Consumer Reports examined the problem and is calling for rules to mandate their inclusion in advertised prices.

More from Consumer Reports
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