Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of February 15, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Subway Tuna Tested by Independent Lab After Dispute

mouse print Last month we reported on the lawsuit filed by two consumers against Subway, alleging that their tuna sandwiches contained no actual tuna. But, their lawyers would not disclose what their tests actually revealed. Now the TV show, Insider Edition, sent samples of Subway tuna to an independent lab for analysis... and the test results are in. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

10 Things Frugal People Never Buy

save money Exactly how frugal are you? Although this story is not a quiz, see how many of the things listed that you don't do or won't buy in order to save money. MrConsumer scored nine out of 10.


Updated daily

How the Internet Can Be Used to Destroy Your Reputation

frustration Imagine one day you hear from a friend that there is some terrible stuff written about you online that are absolute lies. And it is all over. You google your name, and these career-ending and embarrassing allegations are there for all to see. This is a nightmare that one family has been going through.

Consumer Investigation

How Clean Is the Air in Your Home?

CBC Marketplace, Canada's premier consumer show, spent an entire episode recently testing indoor air quality and various brands of air purifiers since we are spending so much time at home. See what they found, along with tips on how to improve the air in your home.

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Bargain of the Week

Monday Only: Get 30% Off at Harbor Freight on $10 Items

Presidents' Day only, February 15, Harbor Freight (tools and accessories) is offering 30% off on up to five non-sale items that regularly sell for $10 or less in store with this coupon.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Nonstick Frying Pans Under $40

Consumer Reports tested less expensive nonstick frying pans and came out with a list of five that did well for cooking evenness, durability, and nonstick-release qualities.

More from Consumer Reports
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