Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of August 17, 2020 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

Airlines Are Withholding Billions in Refunds (not viewable in all browsers)

AMC Theatres Planning Reopening Special With 15 Cent Tickets


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Top Stories

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Is Folgers Exaggerating The Number of Cups of Coffee Each Canister Makes?

mouse print You know how detergent bottles claim to be able to wash huge numbers of loads but really do far fewer? Now some crafty lawyers are calling out major coffee companies for exaggerating the number of cups of coffee each canister can brew. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

14 Money-Saving Tricks at Costco

Costco Costco employees know all the tricks to saving money at their warehouses. For example, if you spot an asterisk on a price sign, that means the item is being discontinued. And if the price ends in .88, that means the local store itself is taking a markdown.


Don't Get Fooled by Bread Labels

bread According to a new survey, shoppers have a hard time discerning which breads are healthier to eat. They know to look for whole grain breads but get thrown off by labels like "multigrain" and "made with whole grains." This story will help you be a smarter and healthier consumer of bread by decoding various terms used on bread labels.

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Consumer Humor

For People Who Prefer in Person Customer Service to Dealing With Telephone Prompts...

If you find a funny consumer-related video or picture (not copyrighted) please submit it with a link to the source to: comment (at symbol) .

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Bargain of the Week

70-Page Spiral Notebooks - 10 Cents

This could be the only time this year that Staples is offering 70-page spiral notebooks, either wide-ruled or college-ruled for only 10 cents each. Limit six. In-store only. Good through August 22.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

And the Best Laundry Detergent Is...

Tide Plus Ultra Stain Release, followed by Persil Proclean Stain Fighter (NOT "Original"). Costco's Kirkland brand is eight points below the winner, so while it is a "best buy," it is not as good according to Consumer Reports.

More from Consumer Reports
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