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TWITTER    Week of August 2, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Here We Downsize Again - Summer 2021 (Part 1)

mouse print We're all noticing prices going up at the supermarket, but are you as cognizant of the package size changes happening simultaneously? Here are the latest products affected by shrinkflation. You may even find both the old and new versions on store shelves right now. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

US News' Best Hospitals 2021-22

hospitals US News just came out with their annual ratings of hospitals. Hospitals are ranked both overall and by specialty such as for cancer care or cardiology.


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He Was Named the #1 Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation

COVID vaccines The New York Times says an article last February claiming that coronavirus vaccines were a "medical fraud" that spread to hundreds of thousands of readers online can be traced back to one person -- Dr. Joseph Mercola. That helped garner him the number one spot on the "disinformation dozen" list. This story goes through this doctor's checkered history with the Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration for making dubious health claims, how he profited from them, and how he spread the claims to millions.

Most Popular Cellphones in North America

cellphone Which are the most popular cellphones? Apple has about two-thirds of the market (including iPads). It turns out that the iPhone 11 is in more consumers' hands than any other model. The top Android phone is the Galaxy S9 owned by 2.7% of Android users. See the complete list.

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Bargain of the Week

Don't Miss Tax Free Weekend

A number of states offer sales tax free days, primarily on specific dates in August. See if your state is participating and when.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Composite Decking

If you are tired of replacing and caring for wood decking, composite decking may be the answer. Consumer Reports picked three brands/styles as their top picks, and gave all three an unflattering "59" score out of 100. MrConsumer has Timbertech Legacy and loves it.

More from Consumer Reports
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