Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of September 20, 2021 (see last week)   

Consumer News Quickies

Money's 50 Best Places to Live

A Medicare Advantage Plan Critic Sounds Off Loudly


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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- SlimFast: Clinically Proven to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

mouse print Every SlimFast product is emblazoned with the claim "clinically proven [to] lose weight and keep it off." A competitor challenged that broad claim in a case brought before the National Advertising Division(NAD) of the BBB. Did SlimFast have the proof? Fat chance! That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

30 Hints, Tricks and Hacks When Using Everyday Items

ideas How long does moisturizer last after opening the bottle? Hint: there may be a time limit symbol on the bottom of the bottle! How do you quickly chill a bottle of beer? Hack: wrap a wet paper towel around it and put it in the freezer! See these and over two dozen other hacks, tips and tricks about using everyday items.


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Cars With the Most Problems Just After Purchase

new car Last week, we showed you a list of car brands ranked by reliability over the first three years of ownership. This week we present rankings of cars that have problems right out of the gate -- in the first 90 days of ownership. It turns out that Chrysler, Audi, Volkswagen, and Volvo owners report the most initial problems -- way over average.

How to Spot a Hidden Camera in Your Hotel or AirBnB Room

hidden cameras

Are you being spied on when staying in a hotel or at an AirBnB? This TikTok video shows how realistic looking objects like smoke detectors or telephone charging plugs can really contain hidden cameras.

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Bargain of the Week

Accurate/Fast Digital Meat Thermometer - 40% off

{DEAL ENDED} ThermoWorks, the maker of ThermoPen, the top-rated fast and accurate instant-read digital meat thermometers, is offering their less expensive ThermoPop model for 40% off -- just $21. It is the top-rated bargain instant-read thermometer by America's Test Kitchen. Shipping is $5 and extremely fast. (MrConsumer ordered one on Saturday, and it arrives on Monday.) First time purchaser coupon does NOT apply. Offer available for a very limited time only.

Free Oil Change, Car Wash, and Interior Cleaning

Until September 30, Mazda is offering educators (see fine print of offer by clicking the "1" on the offer page) a free oil change and car wash. "Educator" is a defined term so read the rules carefully about who is covered and what proof must be provided. You do NOT need to have a Mazda. What a deal as Mazda thanks educators for their service!

Free Wine After Rebate

Until September 30, if you live in certain states and buy any Barefoot wine product, you can get an online rebate (via PayPal, Venmo, or e-check) for up to $9.99. If you shop around, you can get a 1.5 liter bottle of Barefoot wine for that price. Offer void in: AL, AR, CA, CO, HI, IL, IN, IA, LA, ME, MD, MI, MS, MO, NH, NJ, NC, OH, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best Stick Vacuums

Here are the best stick vacuums tested by Consumer Reports. Listed by category, these vacuums are listed in alphabetical order, not test ratings order.

More from Consumer Reports
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