Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of June 15, 2020 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- PayPal Sending Out Unsolicited Debit Cards

mouse print Recently, MrConsumer got a letter from PayPal announcing that they were about to send him a PayPal Debit MasterCard (unsolicited) unless he contacted them right away to stop its mailing. Is this kosher? That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Return Policies Return as Stores Reopen

return policy Now that stores are re-opening in many communities, retailers are facing how to handle returns from the time they were closed and going forward now that they are open again. Don't assume that their old policies are automatically back in effect. Check each store's post-pandemic return rules. More on return policy changes here.

Y2K Redux: Some Smart Electronics May Stop Working Next Year

Smart fridge Remember all the scary stuff surrounding Y2K -- the turn of the century -- when technologists warned us that many things would stop working because computers might not understand the change from 1999 to 2000? Similar worries are now being expressed that smart TVs, appliances, and even light bulbs might stop functioning next year because security certificates that enable these things to communicate with the Internet securely are set to expire.


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Consumer Humor

Wash & Cut in the Age of Social Distancing

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Bargain of the Week

Google Home Mini and Chromecast Combo - 75% off

At select Walmart stores (not online), for a crazy low $13, you can get a $64 package that includes a Google Home Mini smart speaker (1st generation) and a Chromecast device (to stream TV). Very limited quantities. Many stores sold out, and "in-stock" representations on Walmart's website for a particular store are often wrong. Check the stores in your area for availability.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Apple's Cheaper iPhone SE Evaluated

Apple has come out with a $399 version of the iPhone called the SE. It has generally received rave reviews from critics by offering some high quality features at a "bargain" price. Here is what Consumer Reports says (and it is not quite as glowing).

More from Consumer Reports
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