Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of January 25, 2021 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Does Your Cash Back Card Pay You Back Like This?

mouse print Commercials for Capital One's Spark credit card show cardholders cashing in wild sums of accumulated cash back -- even over $100,000. Who wouldn't want one of those cards? We look behind the claims and call out the bank on their not-so-little deception. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Know Your Money Personality

money According to Dave Ramsey, your money personality is made up of seven tendencies that identify how you handle money. Are you a saver or a spender? A nerd or a free spirit? Do you believe in abundance or scarcity? These and the other traits affect your relationship with money. See which categories you fall into, and how you should react as a result.


Updated daily

Electric Cars Rated by Owners

electric car J.D. Power just released survey results of nearly 10,000 owners of fully electric cars. Owners in the luxury category rated the Tesla Model S highest, while the Kia Niro EV topped the list of mass market electric cars.

Consumer Tip

Clever Trick to Close Surgical Mask Gaps

Those blue surgical masks have a big problem: there are gaps on the sides that can let germs both in and out. This easy fix helps close those gaps. [Hit the pause symbol || to stop ads after video.]

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Bargain of the Week

Cheapest Cell Plan for Unlimited Calls and Texts -- $5 a Month

This is the least expense cell plan for unlimited calls and regular texts in America -- only $5 a month. It is sold as a $60 prepaid service card for one year by Liberty Wireless via eBay. Service is provided on the T-Mobile network, so you need a GSM compatible phone (one previously used on TMO or AT&T). There is NO DATA included on this plan, hence your only Internet or email access will be via Wi-Fi. You might be able to add a gig of data for $5, but we are not sure.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

20 Ways to Sleep Better

This major story from the March issue of Consumer Reports takes a problem that many of us have as we age -- we can't get a good night's sleep anymore. Here is advice on making small changes that could help you sleep better.

More from Consumer Reports
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