Consumer World

Week of February 18, 2019 (see last week)

Top Stories

Romance Scams Are Tops for Money Losses

roses The FTC just reported that losses from romance scams are greater than for any other type of scam last year. People 70 or over reportedly lost $10,000 on average. These typically involve a US victim who meets someone online located in a foreign country. The scammer may spend months or years developing a trust relationship with the victim and ultimately asks for money on some pretense. Here is an Australian documentary about these scammers, including interviews with actual victims. Some of the love-struck may also be unwitting pawns in drug deals and money laundering schemes.

How to Save Money on Your Next Apple Purchase

Apple Have you seen the prices that Apple is charging for their latest iPhones? Over $1000! And consumers noticed because their iPhone sales dropped 15% during the holiday season. Here is how and why Apple prices have skyrocketed, and how you can save on Apple products. [Alternate link]



Retailers Testing In-Store Health Services

dentist It seems like some retailers want to get into a different line of business to boost interest in their stores. Both CVS and Walgreens announced they are going to be testing having dental services in some of their stores. And Kohl's is experimenting in Chicago by adding a Weight Watchers studio. Here is a video of the CVS store of the future.

Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- When It Comes to Yogurt, Size and Ingredients Matter

mouse print MrConsumer recently discovered that he can actually eat yogurt without getting sick despite being lactose intolerant. But in the process of trying several varieties, he discovered what's depicted on the front of the container may not actually be inside. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

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Bargain of the Week

Best Presidents' Day Deals on TVs

Once upon a time, Washington's Birthday was the day every year to get the best prices on electronics, great car deals, and cherry pies under $1. Ah, the good old days. However, here is a list of some of the better deals on HDTVs, courtesy of Consumer Reports.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

New Free Service Offers Tweaks for Best TV Picture on Your Particular Model

Consumer Reports has introduced a free basic membership which includes access to its "TV Screen Optimizer." It offers specific tweaks for your particular TV's color, brightness, and other settings to get the best possible picture. It covers models as far back as 2013. If you are already a C/R member, you can access the optimizer here.

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