Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of February 10, 2020 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- How Quickly Do Free Credit Monitoring Services Alert You When Someone Accesses Your Credit Report?

mouse print A (not so) funny thing happened to MrConsumer when he recently applied for a new credit card. Despite having a whole bunch of free credit monitoring services, only one of them alerted him immediately that his credit file had been accessed. Some of the others took almost a month. If these services are supposed to be an early warning system to alert you to potential ID theft where someone tries to apply for credit in your name, think again. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

Most Trusted Brands 2020

thumbs up Companies are often subject to public criticism particularly after data breaches or stories of corporate greed. But there are many companies with good reputations that consumers trust. Here are the 25 most trusted brands in America based on interviews with over 16,000 people by Morning Consult.



9 Things Not to Clean With White Vinegar

white vinegar According to Consumer Reports some of the old tips about neat uses for white vinegar are plain wrong. For example, you should not use it diluted with water as a hardwood floor cleaner. Here are eight other things you should not use vinegar to clean because of damage that could be done.

Where to Get Your Credit Score Free

credit score Want to get your credit score for free? This handy list shows you which particular brand name of score like FICO or Vantage is being offered, and any qualifications you need for a free copy such as being a customer.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Dozen Roses at Aldi -- $9.99; Costco - $16.99

Probably the lowest price you will find for a dozen roses (not long stem) this year is at Aldi (limited assortment supermarket). They are only $9.99 from February 11-15, while supplies last. Price and availability could vary regionally. Costco just announced a "while they last" offer of $16.99 for a dozen roses. Hurry.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Best/Worst Eyeglasses and Contacts Providers

Consumer Reports questioned over 65,000 subscribers about their experiences buying contact lenses and getting eyeglasses made. See which places topped the list (and those on the bottom).

More from Consumer Reports
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