Consumer World

TWITTER    Week of December 9, 2019 (see last week)   

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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print* -- Advertising Masquerades as Program Content on TV Talk Shows - Part 3

mouse print Over the past two years Consumer World has been investigating a blurring of the line between bona fide program content on network TV talk and information shows and advertising. More and more it seems what looks like a conventional interview is really an advertisement in disguise paid for by the subject of the interview. We look specifically at a segment of the CBS show The Talk where an educational segment turns into a veiled sales pitch. That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

10 Common Estate Planning Mistakes

piggy bank Thinking about end-of-life issues can be difficult for many people. But, while you're healthy, it is good to look ahead to help ensure that your future care, desires, and plans for your estate are put in place. Here are some of the common estate planning mistakes that people make.

Please Help Support Consumer World

give support For 24 years, Consumer World has served readers with the latest consumer news, money-saving tips, and independent investigations. But we no longer receive financial support from a corporate sponsor. So reluctantly, MrConsumer turns to you and humbly asks for your help to keep this site and Mouse Print* available as free consumer resources. Your gift will be most appreciated.



14 Things You Can Get for Free

free With all the spending most people do in December, isn't it nice to find some things you can get for free? Many of these are ongoing offers by companies. For example, if you haven't had your flu shot yet, Target is the place to go. They will give you a $5 coupon good for almost anything at their store for 30 days. MrConsumer recently snared two one-pound packages of pork cubes and two half gallons of apple cider with his coupon and still had money left over!

The Shocking Rise of Prescription Drug Prices

pills About a third of consumers interviewed by Consumer Reports say their prescription costs have gone up this year. In this major report, C/R explains why this is happening, how patients are dealing with those rising costs, how consumers are being squeezed by high deductible plans, and how you can try to lower your prescription drug costs.

NOTE: We only feature free stories that are fully readable. If you are blocked, try a different browser and clear NYT cookies from it. Other newspapers may block you based on your repeated use of their site, or convert previously free stories to pay stories without notice.


Bargain of the Week

Free Box of Cusa Tea

You can print a coupon good for one free box of Cusa Tea. This product is available at Sprouts, King Soopers, Vitamin Shoppe, REI, and other stores. (Use store locator to find one near you.) Thanks to Dan K. for the tip.

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Is Your Smart TV Snooping On You? Here's How to Stop It!

Have you ever heard of ACR - automatic content recognition? It attempts to identify every show you watch including those you get via cable, over-the-air broadcasts, streaming services, and even DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The data is transmitted to the TV maker, one of its business partners, or both. Consumer Reports offers this guide on how to shut off ACR on many brands of televisions.

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