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Mouse Print* -- Cold-Eeze: Reduces Duration of Common Cold Symptoms by 42%?
We all know that Cold-Eeze claims to shorten the duration of colds. Over the past year, the company has made the claim even more specific by saying it does so by 42%. Where's their proof? We check it out.
That is our Mouse Print* story this week.
47 Tips for Home Buying, Selling, Staging, and Moving
Spring is the biggest home buying and selling season of the year. So whether you're in the market to buy or sell, here is expert advice from real estate brokers, appraisers, home inspectors, and stagers on how to come out a winner.
Did you know that Coca-Cola can help unclog your sink or toilet? Do you know how to keep your uninsulated water bottle cold during the summer? How about a crazy way to fill a bucket from your bathroom sink when it won't fit in? See dozens more of these household hacks.
Consumer Humor
If You Don't Wear a Mask, You Might As Well...
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If you decide to have your COVID vaccine card laminated, both Office Depot/OfficeMax, and Staples will do it for free. The Staples offer is with coupon code 81450 through May 1.
Free $5 Virtual MasterCard with Proof of Vaccination
Budweiser will email you a $5 virtual MasterCard if you send them a picture of your vaccination sticker (NOT CARD), bandaid, or photo at the vaccination location. First 10,000 submissions only.
To laminate or not to laminate, that is the question. Opinions are mixed on the subject because of the possibility of having to add other entries to the card such as for booster shots. Here is C/R's advice.
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