Consumer World

Week of April 22, 2024
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Consumer News Quickies

10 "Cheap" Cars That Consumer Reports Recommends

Welcome to Dynamic Pricing Hell


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Consumer World Original

Mouse Print*-- France Requires Warning Signs for Product Shrinkflation

mouse print Until now, only Brazil had a requirement to warn shoppers about products that have been downsized. But, starting July 1, stores in France will have to post notices on most products where the content shrank but not the price. (Our two-part spring shrinkflation series will be delayed one week.) That is our Mouse Print* story this week.

The Unwritten Rules of Eating Out: Restaurant Behavior, Practices and Etiquette

restaurant Here is a fascinating survey about what diners believe is acceptable or unacceptable in a restaurant. For example, if your meal is lousy, is it okay not to pay? Is it okay to leave no tip if service was bad? Is it okay for a restaurant to charge for beverage refills? Is it okay to charge a fee if guests split dishes? See all the results.


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Top Supermarkets and Retailers for Customer Satisfaction

shopping cart The American Consumer Satisfaction Index interviewed over 40,000 shoppers to find which companies in various categories they were most satisfied with. For grocery stores, it was a three-way tie for first place, but Walmart is at the bottom of the list of 20. For department stores, it was Macy's. For discount stores, it was TJ Maxx and Marshalls. For drugstores, CVS did the least well.

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Consumer Investigation

Paternity Test Lab Knowingly ID'd Wrong Dads

A CBC News investigation reveals how a Canadian DNA laboratory knowingly delivered prenatal paternity test results that routinely identified the wrong biological fathers and left a trail of shattered lives around the world.

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Bargain of the Week

8-Pack Annual Flowers - $2.50

At Lowe's (and Home Depot is matching the price), eight-pack annual flowers like petunias, impatiens, etc. are 4 for $10 until May 1. (Gone are the days of $1 six-packs at Lowe's.) Lowe's also has Bonnie tomato plants for 3 for $10, and Sta Green 1 cu. ft. garden soil for $2. (Miracle Gro is only 3/4 cu. ft.)

See also: Hot Deals

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports Investigates Fruits and Vegetables for Pesticides

For the past year, Consumer Reports has been testing fruits and vegetables, both organic and conventional for pesticide residue. Sixteen of the 25 fruits and 21 of the 34 vegetables in their analysis had low levels of pesticide risk. Others had moderate or high risks. See their list.

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